Dear Blue Ridge Neighbors,
The Blue Ridge Domestic Water Improvement District (BRDWID) is inviting you to a regular Board of Directors meeting on Saturday, March 19, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. at the Starlight Pines Community Center, 2740 Arapaho Drive, Happy Jack, AZ. This is an in person meeting. Coconino County’s COVID-19 Community Level is Medium. Consider distancing yourself from others and wearing a mask if you are immunocompromised.
Call-in number is: 630-424-4734 or toll free 800-920-7487, Pin is 76217278.
Documents in Support of the Agenda
4. 2022-2-19 DRAFT Open Meeting Minutes
6.B.1 BRDWID Rules & Regulations DRAFT 2022 rev 2
6.B.2 Motion – BRDWID Rules & Regulations rev 2
6.C.1 BRDWID General Journal 20220311
6.C.2 Motion – BRDWID Financial Review
6.D. Coconino County Elections Fee Schedule
6.D. Motion – BRDWID 2022 Elections Cost Payment
BRDWID Board of Directors
John Ritter, Chair
Ronald Krug, Vice Chair
Sue Davis, Secretary and Clerk
Mike Bourne, Treasurer
Paul Schmidt, Member at Large