Dear Blue Ridge Neighbors,
The Blue Ridge Domestic Water Improvement District (BRDWID) is inviting you to a regular Board of Directors meeting on Saturday, June 18, 2022, at 1:00 p.m. at the Starlight Pines Community Center, 2740 Arapaho Drive, Happy Jack, AZ.
This is an in person meeting. Social distancing is recommended but not required. Masks are optional.
Call-in number is: 630-424-4734 or toll free 800-920-7487, Pin is 76217278.
Documents in Support of the Agenda
4.1 2022-5-21 DRAFT Regular Public Meeting Minutes
4.2 2022-6-2 BRDWID Public Hearing Minutes
5.A 2022-6-18 Starlight Water Co Assets
5.B 2022-6-18 BRDWID Elections
5.B.2 Electors Qualified to Vote
5.C 2023 Budget Work Session
5.E Open Meeting Law 8-21-2021 Complaint
5.E.2 Open Meeting Law AZ AG Office 6.8.22 Letter
BRDWID Board of Directors
John Ritter, Chair
Ronald Krug, Vice Chair
Sue Davis, Secretary and Clerk
Mike Bourne, Treasurer
Paul Schmidt, Member at Large