Questions about service? Contact Southwest Utility Management at (520) 624-1460|


Will my rates be affected?

2021-09-29T00:35:04+00:00August 20th, 2019|

Yes, as a new Water District, we need to borrow money to purchase the assets of Starlight Water Company (SWC). As a result of repaying the loan and establishing a reserve fund, our base rates would have to increase between $15 and $20 per month. If another private water

Who will perform the normal maintenance of the system?

2021-09-29T00:34:05+00:00August 20th, 2019|

The current operator has agreed to stay on and train a new operator to be hired by the Water District Board. This employee of the water district would perform the routine maintenance and repairs. Any other maintenance and repair of generators, well pumps, and electrical systems, etc., would continue

Will the water quality be affected?

2021-09-29T00:21:52+00:00August 20th, 2019|

No. The Arizona State Department of Water Quality will continue to oversee the quality of our water. The water is tested at least monthly for basic chemicals, and a full water analysis is done once a year. The testing requirements are the same for Private Water Companies and Water

Who controls the Water District?

2021-09-29T00:32:18+00:00August 20th, 2019|

A five (5) member Board has oversight of the District. Board members serve on 4-year staggered terms. This Board is elected by the property owners who are members of the Water District and who are qualified electors. The BRDWID Board is under the direct oversight of the Coconino County

What is a Water District?

2021-09-29T00:20:18+00:00August 20th, 2019|

A Water District is a subdivision of the county government. Like a small, non-­‐profit business, it owns assets but operates to make only enough money to pay for maintenance and improvement as needed. As a non-­‐profit it also has access to federal and state grants and loans to make